January 31, 2008

Who's excited about good TV tonight?!!

Gotta say, I'm much more excited after I watched the re-play of last season's finale again last night pop-up video style. While Lost hasn't held that near and dear place in my TV heart since season 1, the end of last season at least peaked my interest again. I have purposely NOT read anything about it even though there has been stuff EVERY where lately.

And honestly, I don't know if I can love it without my favorite character. Here's hopin' that Charlie isn't dead after all.

January 30, 2008

I am thankful...

...for my friends. They always show up in just the right moments. I'm thankful that God knows that I need them before I even think about it.

Thank you to each of you who have been so kind and caring towards me this week. I have seen God's love through each of you. I can't say enough how much each of you mean to me.

January 29, 2008

If you were a wink, I'd be a nod

Read this (found here, a new favorite blog) today and now I've been singing the song all day. I really need to just download this entire CD cause I'm constantly playing in through myspace music. (ps...if you haven't discovered myspace music, go immediately! Free songs abound.)
Made me want to see Juno again. When the opening credits shown forth on the giant screen, I just knew I was going to enjoy this movie. I'm ready to see it without a theater full of teenagers texting and talking and just being annoying! And I think Ellen Page totally deserves that Oscar. She was incredible!

Any one have any ideas for what I should write about? I've been hitting a road block the last few days coming up with something. I hate not posting though cause I enjoy writing so much. And John Grisham said this morning on the Today show (my morning coffee) that you aren't a writer unless you are writing at least one page a day. Yes, sir, Mr. Grisham. I will listen cause I enjoy your supermarket novels and have been since I was about 14.

January 28, 2008

Hello, Martin

Did anyone else see the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week? I'll admit that I subscribe (only because I got it free for a year and then signed up for a year after that for only $10! Who could say no?) Now, I'm not a huge fan of Heath Ledger. I did greatly enjoy 10 things...okay, I know a lot of it by heart. And I am very excited to see him in the new Batman. Still, it was sad hearing of his death. Mostly for his little 2 year old daughter, who now doesn't have a daddy.
Anyway, the cover this week is just beautiful. The picture on the computer is nothing compared to seeing it in on paper and holding it on your hand. The white border, black letters, the catchlights in his eyes, the shadows/vignette. It's just a beautiful picture. I had to look up the photographer. His name is Martin Schoeller. Check out these. You have to see them BIG to really appreciate them. Just beautiful. LOVE Kelly Slater's. Those eyes.
Totally inspired me today. I think I may have to get his book.

January 27, 2008

yesterday's project

See Flickr for project details.
It helped me clear my head and calmed my over-emotionalizm (I think I made that word up). Cleaning and projects help me think and process.

January 26, 2008

sweet jumps

Is anyone else lovin' the X Games this weekend? I got sucked in for a couple hours this afternoon while I was working around the house. My dish was worth every penny today. We have about 5 channels dedicated to the games plus what's on regular broadcast TV.
LOVE the snowboard super pipe especially the girls. Love how chill the Winter X Games are compared to the Olympics. The competitors actually seem to enjoy competing against each other.

If you read this before it's over on Sunday night, you have to check it out. Football, baseball and all those other sports seem totally lame in comparison.

the dreaded question

Why, why, oh why do people think it's OK to ask...

"so how come YOU haven't gotten married yet?"

I'll be honest. I think it's incredibly rude and kinda hurtful. I was asked said question today by someone who will remain nameless while I was out and around town shopping. I don't believe that they intended their question to be mean. I really don't. But honestly!

We were talking about my family and when I told said person that it was my sister and not me that was married and she was the one that had a child, well that's when the lovely question arose.

I answered with the only thing I could think of (being taken slightly off guard)...

"well, I guess that just isn't God's plan for me at this moment."

After thinking about it for several hours now, I, of course, came up with better replies like...

"Wow, that was kinda mean. Don't know how to answer that."
"That is a great question. Why don't you tell me 'cause obviously I haven't figured it out yet."
"Well, if you must know, I was in love with the perfect man, but he was tragically killed 2 months before our wedding." (this isn't true, but heck, if I haven't thought about saying it anyway to see how they would back peddle out of it.)
"Guess I'm not pretty enough. Do you think I'm pretty?"
Burst into tears and walk away saying "I'm sorry, I have to go."
Hit the offender across the face and laugh while screaming "how dare you!"
"I'm 'saving myself for Luke Perry'." (quoted from one of my favorite movies)
"I tend to only meet creepy guys at the bars I go to and I just don't want to settle down with someone who is constantly plastered." (sarcastic, readers. I'm being sarcastic.)
"You mean I SHOULD be married now? Is 30 that old?"
"I think God hates me." (man, oh man I wish I had the courage to say that just see their reaction.)

So to all of you who love to ask single people this question (and I'm not saying it's any of you fine, lovely readers), or any question similar to it, know this....WE DON'T LIKE IT! Most of us are happy with our lives. Most of us would like to be married one day, if that's what God wants, but we are OK with being patient right now. And most of the time, we are much more OK with it than you are for some reason.

January 25, 2008

Friday inspiration and finds

I got lost in here for a while. Old pictures fascinate me. This one has a great story. Doesn't this lady look elegant? Don't you just want to open one of those brown paper packages? Just look at her furs and the amazing depth of field in this one. These girls stopped by the deli to get a picnic lunch. The beachwear is delightful. Steal the bacon 1910 style. I wore these to play sports in school, but she (read her bio) had a much better reason. The hair bows and shoes (view larger). This story still gets me (1,2,3,4). I want the woman on the right's outfit. Dare you not to smile. The lady in the middle made me stop, but everything else just adds to it like the baby carriages, little girl and the baby clothes (view large). Another adorable cottage. The necklace and the puddle.

These are A-mazing. Guess my kidneys are safe. Their shootshop is sold out.

Even though scrapbooking isn't necessarily my thing, I will gladly plop down some cash for this baby. And how awesome is her hair in that last shot. Makes me seriously consider doing this to mine. I think about that picture every day when I look in the mirror. Opinions?

Who says you can't mix patterns. (scroll down to see photo)

Check out this guy's work. I'm in awe. How in the world?! This one is unreal.

I did a fun little project this week. Simple and easy. I have tons of notes and cards and memorabilia floating around my room. Mostly in random piles. I can't bear to part with them. I decided to turn them into a little book. They looks so neat and organized amidst all my journals.

Chuck was so good last night. I can't get over how sweet and hilarious it can be at the same time. I miss it already. I hate this stupid writer's strike. Just give them what they deserve already!

Project Runway is always inspiring. How in the world is Ricky still on? I'm voting for Christian (look where he's from!), Chris and Sweet P. So glad Victorya is gone, although I did love her Bitten dress and I did try it on and loved it.

I've never been into textures before, but her work is changing my mind.

This made me so excited for the Olympics. Gymnastics is my fave. Remember the Magnificent 7?!! That was a great moment in Olympic history.

I've said it before, but Pandora is simply addicting. My Joshua Radin station is perfection.

This little movie is even making hamburger phones cool. 759 freakin' percent!

Don't forget, the Lights are on tonight.

January 23, 2008

it's still a favorite

I vividly remember seeing this in the theater in college about 2 or 3 times. One of my bestest girls was actually from Eerie, so it was a big deal.
There is something about this movie that still inspires me and makes me smile. And the music...I sing it for days after watching it. The song during the opening titles is one of my all time favorites.

The first paragraph in this post got me thinking today too. I've always felt like I was supposed to write a book. Just haven't gotten "the" idea yet. I kinda feel like this blog is a gateway sometimes. It forces me to write and come up with ideas. Maybe one day one of those ideas will be "the one." It doesn't have to be a best seller that makes tons of cash. I just want it to be mine and something I'm proud of. And if other people loved it too, well that would just be the icing on the cake.

Look how cute my little nephew is now. He turns one in just a few days. I'm headed to the frozen tundra for his pirate b-day party.

I really want one of these. I love this one and this one especially. Found her through one of my favorite Flickr-ites.

That about it. Oh, except that I did start reading Anne's House of Dreams again today at lunch. It was, once again, just as lovely as I remembered. I so dearly love that book.

January 22, 2008

Captain Jim and Jem

This piece by Norman Rockwell (one of my forever favorite artists) hangs in our office at work. Underneath it has some quote about touching a child's life, but I never see that when I look at it. This picture reminds me of my all-time favorite book Anne's House of Dreams.
I can't honestly tell you how many times I have read this book. At least once a year for the last 12 years, but it's probably more than that. I miss it after a couple months and begin to think about it and finally just pull it off the shelf to re-read it yet again. I still cry, laugh and "awe" at the same parts. I still adore Captain Jim and Leslie and my beloved Anne. My heart still breaks when I read chapter 19 "Dusk and Dawn." I found the Island that L.M. described in this book when I went to PEI a couple years ago. It still lives and breathes in the same way it did when she walked it's red earth.
House of Dreams is the continuation of the Anne of Green Gables story. It's perfect and lovely and I think it's time to pull it off it's spot on my shelf and get lost in the story once again. I miss it so.

January 21, 2008

challenging my thoughts and actions

"For even if the whole world believed in resurrection, little would change until we began to practice it. " - Shane Claiborne Irresistible Revolution

This book is not for the faint of heart. It is not for the person that is perfectly comfortable in their relationship with God and has no desire to know Him in a deeper way. It is all about being uncomfortable in our complacency. It's all about how we live happily in our houses full of stuff when almost 3 quarters of the world barely has clean water to drink or food to eat(more great posts on this from a favorite blogger). We are constantly thinking about our next purchase while many have no place to sleep at night. Some of these people are just a miles away from our very front doors.
I highly recommend it. I'm in the middle of it right now. Trying to read it slowly to really take in all that is being said. It's definitely challenging my thoughts and actions right now.

January 20, 2008


I think I would sell a kidney to be able to go to this. Here are two reasons why. 1 and 2. I'm am in awe of their work and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have someone that I admire dump all their knowledge into my little brain!
One day, I will do it.....

January 19, 2008

fun times

Such a fun weekend! We are having a teen winter retreat here at camp. I have a quick break from all of the fun. Just tottled around the ice rink in my skates with the kids for a couple hours. Now, I'm off to eat pizza, work snack shop, watch (not play, of course) a group game, experience a beach front bonfire in the freezing cold and then finally drift off to sleep.
There is A LOT of laughing. There are lots of friends. And the weather is freezing. I wouldn't change it for anything. LOVE my job on weekends like this. I remember why God has me so perfectly placed here.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend too!

January 18, 2008

inspiration station

Just a couple things I found while clicking around today. Things I want to try and some just fun to look at.

Ali's post from today. She is constantly inspiring me to try new and different things. Really want to try something like this when the weather gets more livable.

I found these two posts today on a blog that I've read once or twice. I loved her perspective on saying good-by to the old year (don't really enjoy that picture though, sorry). And how she suggests to write your resolutions in a way that will inspire and motivate you like "I want to live healthier this year."

Danielle's blog. Her photos are some of the most beautiful on Flickr. Her blog is chock-full of ideas and eye candy. I got this idea from her blog and ended up making it for my mom for Christmas. I loved this post, which has tons of great links and things to consider.

And of course Flickr, my forever favorite source. this. this. this. this. and this (I'm dying to go here.) this. this. this. and one more.


of course Lewis can say it better than anyone

"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Found here. One of my constant sources of inspiration.

January 17, 2008

words...they don't work in this case.

Wow. It was inspiring, moving and absolutely beautiful.

Last night, the bro and I sat down to watch a DVD. To be completely honest, I wasn't very excited at first because I didn't think I would like it. I'm not usually into performances on television. For example, I don't like music videos. I can't stand American Idol (I know, I know, I just haven't given it a chance. Well, yes, I have each season for about 10 minutes and each time I get bored and shut it off or changed the channel.) Or another example, "let sit down and watch U2's Elevation tour DVD." Um, no thank you. I'm usually totally bored within 1 minute. I just don't enjoy it.
So, when I got this DVD for him for his birthday, the bro kept begging me to watch it with him. I kept saying no and tried to direct him to some other show or movie. I finally relented yesterday after hearing from a different source that it was good and enjoyable and lots of eye candy to enjoy.
We sit down and put in Sigur Ros' Heima. It started with my favorite song, which I have mentioned here before. And from there is was a wonderland of music and views of Iceland and people and instruments and just magic. About 10 minutes in, I was spellbound.
Curses...He was right again.

January 16, 2008

the beast

Has been here for a couple days. Her mommy and daddy (mine too) are off on a wonderful cruise to warm, sunny weather while we freeze, freeze, freeze.
She is a crazy pup. Hyper and just plain weird. But I love her. And I think she loves me.

January 15, 2008

strange but true

My alarm clock woke me out of this crazy world this morning....

I was running towards Gandolf, pointy hat and all, who was trying to hide from me until he realized who I was. Then he stopped and gave me a big hug which was just wonderful except for his long beard and cloak which gently scratched my face.
Then he disappeared and an entire crowd of people appeared and began sitting along side of a road because a parade was coming down the street. But the "parade" ended up being the final musical number in High School musical. There were dancers jumping around and I was running home to change into some more comfortable dance wear when the cursed alarm went off and ruined my fun.

Do you ever try and figure out where you get your dreams from? Usually I can trace mine back to something that happened during the day. Not this one. Weird, weird, weird.

January 14, 2008

book of lists

Another thing to add onto my growing list of "things to do in '08." This one is very relaxed though. Just work on it when I feel the need to create. Simple enough to complete a page in one night. And it involves lists, which is a HUGE thing I'm addicted to. Writing them, crossing them off, re-reading them. I love them.
I'm going to do a book of lists. Saw the idea here. I love this page. It's in my Flickr fave's. I've been enjoying her blog over the last few days. So chock full of ideas and inspiration.

Remember, do something creative everyday. It's amazing what you come up with.

(And speaking of inspiration, got this in the mail today from my "dealer." She is kind enough to mail me and the bro each new edition. This one was delicious. I miss this "world" that I used to visit once a week. I'm a total nerd, yes, this I know and accept happily.)

January 13, 2008

2 true stories

Yesterday, as I was driving down my little two lane road to civilization, I saw a Delorean coming down the road like it was a Toyota Camry. I totally freaked out in my car screaming to no one because I was by myself. It was kinda disappointed that lighting didn't zap the front of it and disappear. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't know your classic 80's movies.

Then, a couple days ago, I was driving in my car again. I saw a metro bus from a near-by major city. Kinda unusual since it's about 40 minutes away. Then I saw the sign that scrolls across the back. Usually it has the bus number on it. Instead, it was scrolling the words "CALL...COPS...911." It took me a couple times to realize what it was scrolling. I didn't quite believe it until I came up beside it and the larger scrolling sign read "EMERGENCY...CALL...POLICE...911" over and over one word at a time. I didn't see anything unusual about the bus, so I didn't call. (when I told the bro about it, he promptly yelled at me and told me how stupid that was and that you should always call no matter what.) It's not like it was going unusually fast and it couldn't slow down for some strange reason. Again, if you don't know this reference, you don't know your 90's blockbusters.

True stories for your Sunday.

Listening to "From Yesterday" from 30 Seconds to Mars. It's been on repeat since I heard it for the first time last night. I love a little alternative rock. And I LOVE his voice and the red ends on his hair.

January 12, 2008

flannel shirts and overalls

Do you remember how amazing this was? It was my senior year of high school. This was THE show to watch. Everyone talked about it. And then ABC canceled it and made it a cult classic....

Angela Chase, Rayanne Graff, Ricki Vasquez. And then there was Jordan Catalano. *sigh* He was, of course, the best reason to love it. That hair. Those eyes. His long sleeved shirts under his oversized T's. I still kinda have a crush on him when I watch it now.

Remember how everything Angela said made perfect sense. She would "say" exactly what I was feeling. I remember reading that maybe that was the reason that the ratings were so low. It was too much like real life. No one watches TV to see what is real. They want to escape.

The last few days, I have been re-watching. (btw, if you have never seen the wonder that is My So-Called Life, you must buy/rent it. Must.) Today, I sat down to watch one episode and one kept turning into "just one more." It's still that good this many years later. I also remember the exact place I would sit in homeroom and talk about last night's episode with my friends. Watching it brings back SO many memories. The horror that was high school, and the horrible over sized clothes we would wear back then.

I close with this from Angela...
"Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and suddenly you go all the way inside, to their soul...and you both know, instantly. I always imagined I would fall in love nursing a blind soldier, who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought, at least by the age of 15, I would have a love life. But I don't even have a "like" life."
(yeah that was totally me. and kinda true now as well....hmmm...)

p.s. this all started a because of this video that was pre-loaded onto my Zune when I got it. Yeah, I've watched it a "couple" times. Good gracious, he is still, you know...Jordan Catalano. And does anyone else ever refer to ultra cool/hot guys as a "Jordan Catalano?" Maybe it's just me.


I want her hair. Like, right now.

the results are in

The winner is........
Audrey said...

Random Order....
#3 New Friends - Just Plain Sweet
#5 On The Bay - I love the way the people are the shadow
#2 Friends - Could be in a Gap
#4 Chuck diptych - I just love Chuck
#1 Little Green Bird - I want this to hang in my girls bathroom! I love the color!

Congrats! You win a print of your choice of picture. Send me an email with the picture you want, the size (5x7 or 8x10), and the address you want it mailed to.

Thanks for playing everyone. I greatly appreciate your advice. Many of the ones you chose will make it into my book!

OK, back to work. I finally found a mirror for our bathroom, which still isn't finished. I got sucked into Ikea for over 2 hours. I LOVE when they set up an apartment and show how they fit a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room and kids room all into 400 sq. ft. I wish they could come and make over my house....

January 11, 2008

Voting is closed

Thanks for all who commented. I'll announce the winner tomorrow.

So many little projects to finish up this weekend. Sewing, shooting, reading, typing, buying. Busy, but good. I love Friday's and the promise of a whole weekend ahead.

Happy Friday Night (Lights), everyone!

January 10, 2008

find the light

I'm starting to read the light better. Just one of the great things about my 365. Everyday shooting is forcing me to learn by practice. It's tough. Some days, I get it completely wrong. Some days it feels like the light calls me.
On Tuesday, I was having a little love crush on my D50. It just looked so pretty in my hands. I had to take a picture. While I am shooting everyday, I'm not uploading. Had to give myself some type of break. My goal is to have the whole week posted on Flickr by the weekend. Takes some of the pressure off.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments on my photos. It's fun to see which ones other people enjoy. If you still want a chance to win, post your comment by 5pm tomorrow.

January 09, 2008

inspiration links

I have been quite taken with this photography duo as of late. Their company, The Image is Found, is nothing but inspiring. I can't stop reading their blog (and their old one)and drooling over their images. I think I stared at this entry for about 30 minutes straight. So creative! Have to start saving my pennies now so I could afford them if I ever get married. (but then again, it mean I would have to say no to these geniuses. Oooo, tough decision.)

I got sucked into Martha's site today looking for craft ideas for camp. Bags out of scarves, bags out of pillow cases. Is there anything this company can't create?!

Hula 70's pictures and ideas.

JAC's pictures of Australia.

This picture. I loved it so much that the photographer who took it offered to sell me a print. It will look smashing on my wall.

I think I've finally discovered a description for my style after I read this post on one of my favorite decorating blogs Decor8.

Don't forget to vote on your favorite photo.

January 08, 2008

#540 plus free stuff

I'm working on a portfolio right now. Made a pact with a friend to give me motivation. I need deadlines. I need accountability or I don't finish things. For instance, in college, I wouldn't study for tests until the night before. I have a tough time with motivation. Just being honest.

While I've been getting my pictures together, I started to wonder what other people would consider a "good shot" out of the ones that I've taken. So, here's where you can play along. I know many of you are not into commenting. I know you choose to read and remain invisible. Well, I'm asking you to step out and help me a little bit.

Look at my pictures on Flickr. Pick one or three or whatever catches your eye. Leave a comment with the title of the picture, a description of the shot if there isn't a title, or the link to it.

On Friday, I will take all the comments and draw one name.
That person will get either a 5x7 or a 8x10 (your choice) of a picture (no frame) that they chose.
That's right, everyone. You can win something here on my little blog just for being nice and helping me fill my portfolio.
Remember, you have until 5pm on Friday to leave a comment on THIS post. I'll announce the winner on Saturday.
You can only vote once. Any repeat votes will be disregarded.

Got it? Have fun!

Post #540.

January 07, 2008

and I quote

"If I had a blog, this would be a really big day for me.
Do my laundry....check.
Save my sister's life...check.
Save my own life....final entry....."
- Chuck episode 8 (my fave)

OK, so is this saying that bloggers are nerds/dorks? He's basically mocking them, right? Oh, who cares. It made me laugh.

a little Michael Cera makes any day brighter

This is completely L's find. She was the one who guided me to the wonder that is Clark and Michael. Can this kid get any cuter? I was in love with his character George Michael on Arrested Development. Those shirts, those facial expressions. He plays uncomfortable and awkward better than anyone. He's fantastic in Juno, too. It's those dorky, nerdy guys that are always my favorite.

January 06, 2008

afternoon walk

This cool find is going up on my wall. We get the most amazing driftwood in the winter.

reckless abandon

A-mazing church service this morning. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Specific things that I had been talking to God about were addressed. It was humbling.

Sometimes I struggle with letting go and just letting God do whatever He wants to do with my life. I know that He will protect me, love me and carry me through whatever may come. I know it, but I don't trust it. I get scared that He will send a trial my way, and it will be too hard. I imagine the worst, like one of my family members dying. I get so scared that I choose to stay where I am in my walk with Him rather than fully trusting and letting go of this "control" that I think I have over my life and following Him with reckless abandon.

I've been specifically praying that God will give me courage. I want to go deeper. I want to see Him on new levels. I want to know Him more tomorrow than I do today. I have to leave behind the comfort level I have now. I don't want to be content with where I am.

These was one of the verses read this morning....

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matt 6:34 (the Message)

Um, yeah. Those words were for me. I have so much to learn. So much to give up. So much to let go of. So much. I'm so thankful for His patience with me.

Service ended with some of my favorite songs.

Enough by Chris Tomlin

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You are my supply
My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You're the coming King
You are everything
And still more awesome than I know

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You’re my sacrifice
Of greatest price
And still more awesome than I know
You’re the coming King
You are everything
And still more awesome than I know

More than all I want
More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know
More than all I can say
You are more than enough for me

More Than a Friend by Jeremy Riddle
In the quiet of my soul
In the stillness I hear Your voice call
And I am overwhelmed
And I am lost for words
To describe You

Jesus You're more than a friend
Jesus You're more than my heart could ever express
Your love and Your grace never fail me
Your merciful touch always heals me
You bring joy to my soul

My heart longs to worship You my King
And I long to bring You a pleasing offering
And I am overwhelmed
And I am lost for words
To describe You

January 05, 2008


365 is HARD! But it's forcing me to shoot everyday, which is great. It was nice to be able to be outside during daylight since it was Sat.

Urban window shopping

Who else would sell Goonies action figures? I love how eclectic Urban is.

January 04, 2008

the Lights are on

Tonight. 9pm. New, new, new.

A squeal of delight came from my throat when I saw a preview for a NEW episode on tonight. Every episode for season1 and season 2 are available HERE and HERE for FREE.

I must say that I was missing the folks in Dillon something fierce. That preview last night while I was watching ER (so good. old character references are the best!) made me do the happy dance.

January 03, 2008

The EPCOT day

It really is cool up close.
Lunch in Germany. Great entertainment. We had the coolest waitress. She had just celebrated her 20th anniversary of working at Disney. She had come over from Germany when she was young to work there and learn English for year. She ended up loving it and came to stay. We talked to her for a long time.

Lukey played with his cool, edgy Uncle.

Then we walked through France.

All of us big Battlestar nerds (yes, my parents LOVE it too. They started us on a sci fi diet of Star Trek:TNG when we were just little tikes.) were ecstatic to see Adama read the Christmas story. Freakin' Adama! (sorry for the crappy picture, but at least I have it!) So awesome.

He was surrounded by a full choir and orchestra. Amazing.

Then waiting for Illuminations. Photoshoots ensue.

The Pops.

Then the bro stole my camera.

He always takes the best pictures of me.

And finally...the big show.

January 02, 2008

um, yeah...

officially addicted.


to this song. Over and over and over. It's the song that's playing during the opening credits of Juno. Saw it last night. Loved it. I was expecting more, I think. Different, maybe. But I still loved it.
Don't listen to the hype. Just go and sit and enjoy and hopefully you won't be in a theater of teenagers who text and talk and laugh ridiculously loudly during the whole thing.

Dear goodness, I sound old....

Michael Cera was perfection. Ellen Page was so very fantastic. Totally deserving of her Golden Globe nod. And Jason Bateman stole every scene he was in, as usual. I adore him. Plus, Jennifer Garner and Allison Janeey. I love them, too.

friends in new places

I have to tell you one of the coolest parts of my vacation. It doesn't have anything to do with Mickey or the parks or Disney buses (although all of those things were pretty much awesome.)

A couple months ago, don't remember exactly when, I got a comment on my blog from a girl I didn't know. After looking at her blog, she seemed so cool that I had to comment back. We've been email commenting for a while now. Well, I realized that I was going to be close to her when I went to FL, so I sent her a note asking if she wanted to meet "face to face." She replied with an enthusiastic yes and so we set a date and a time and a place.
I told my family about it, to which my brother laughed. "An internet friend?! She could be a scary stalker." My mom, while verifying our plans for the day, said, "Now remember you don't know her, really. I don't think it would be a good idea to get in a car and go somewhere with her." I laugh about it now (and then, too) because I felt like I "knew" her already. She said the same thing when we met. The thing was that we both loved Jesus, and I knew that was all that mattered.
We met and talked and laughed and had an amazing time. We talked about what God was doing in our lives and what our families were like and what our "real" names were and where we lived since both of us kept it vague on our blogs. It was such an encouraging, fun time. I'm so thankful that God brings friends into my life in all different kinds of ways. I'm thankful that she left a comment and that we've been able to "chat." She is so fun and God is so evident in her life.

It was so cool to meet you, my friend! So cool. Thanks for driving so far to meet. I hope we can do it again. Thanks for being such a glowing light of Jesus. I know He has amazing plans for you in the future!

January 01, 2008

Hello, 2008

A whole year ahead. Brand new. No mistakes. yet....

In my constant pursuit of being a better photographer I have decided to do a 365. For those of you not familiar with the Flickr lingo, that basically means that I'm going to take one picture everyday this year and post it on my Flickr page. Photojojo had a great article that made me finally take the plunge. Lost of people do a self portrait 365, but I really don't want that many pictures of my face. So, I've decided that my 365 will be of whatever is on my mind that day.
I really want to improve my photography and one of the best ways is to just shoot. Everyday. Some days may be good. Some not so good. But at the end of the year, I will have a photo journal of my life.

Today's is actually two pictures, but I smashed them together to make a diptych. I watched Chuck this morning while I was putting on my make-up. I really love this show. It's so sweet. And I just love his high top Chuck Taylors. They complete his nerdy look.

What goals do you have for this year?