May 20, 2006

TV, Scrapping, and BBQ's

I have so many things to post, but no time to actually sit down and do it! Life in May. What else can be said...
I have lots of pictures to post, which I know everyone would love to see, but I haven't had time!

I had a BBQ with friends the other night and there are priceless photos from that little event. Promise to share soon. And you won't be disappointed!

My Grand Cayman scrapbook is so much fun! I'm LOVING doing it! It just takes forever cause it still is so new to me. I should have pictures to post in a couple days of the final project.

My roommate and I got hooked on a new TV show. I got Veronica Mars season 1 for my birthday from an awesome friend who shares my TV obsession. So much fun to watch. Logan is my favorite. Another fun one to check out if you are looking for something to watch!

TV seasons are ending! Good gracious are they ever. It seems like everyone wants to have a cliffhanger this year. After this week, all my shows will be gone until September (or January, 24 and Scrubs, sniff sniff. What's a girl to do with out a Zach Braff fix every week?!) And did anyone else see the ER season finale? Great googly-moogly (fun word, eh?). It knocked the socks off everything else so far! ER's been getting a little botox around the eyes this year. Good stories!

Let's see, what else? Cleaning my house and scrubbing the iron stains out of my toilet because of hard water for 5 days isn't that exciting, but hey, these are the events of my life.

What have you been up to? Remember, the comments section is for YOU to join in on the fun! Did anyone else have an eventful week?
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