April 08, 2011

tiny pies

The moment I saw these little mini pies on Elsie's blog, I knew I had to try them out for myself. A birthday get-together on Monday was the perfect excuse.

They are super easy and quite tasty. I used cherry and blueberry instead of peach, but I think apple would be delish too. Or chocolate....everything is better with chocolate.

On the agenda for this weekend...

1. Church! I haven't been in 3 weeks because of work and then being gone 2 weekend in a row. I miss it. Miss it!

2. Flea Market. On a hunt for old, fun things. Flea markets are the bestest.

3. Finish up Vampire Diaries season 1 and then mourn the fact that I can't watch season 2 until it comes out on DVD. The CW...why do you hate posting your shows? It's really quite ridiculous.

4. Finish off my vintage outfit for the wedding I'm going to next weekend.

5. Sleep. It's been a crazy week, y'all. God is doing some crazy, crazy stuff at camp right now and we are just hanging on for dear life.

6. Spend a good long time in the Word. (see #5)

7. Share a super cool way that you can help 2 sweet orphans in China come home. You guys are gonna love this! Can't wait to share it with you.

8. Finally go through my NYC photos. And tell you about the trip.

9. Watch some more FNL season 5. The first episode already had me close to tears. I'm loving/dreading every moment of this last season. It's crazy, good, of course. Every season has been.

Enjoy this free weekend that feels like such a gift after the insanity of the last month.

What are you up to?

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