February 05, 2006

Where is the wicked witch?

It could be the beginning of "The Wizard of Oz" here today. WIN-DY! We were supposed to snorkel today with stingrays, but it was cancelled cause there are 4-6ft waves. And they weren't kidding. Instead we did some non-beach activities. A turtle farm. (the bro was in h-e-a-v-e-n. At least 5 times the phrase "this is awesome!!!!" came out of his mouth.) There were these HUGE tanks where you could pick up and touch the hard shelled darlings. It was kinda cool. They were very gentle and soft to touch. Here's a couple photos from that outing....
Seriously, in heaven. You think he was on movie set or something. This is just one of the bazillion photos that we have of him.
GC still has lots of damage from a Hurricane Ivan which came through in '04. There are lots of buildings half destroyed and may never be fixed. You can see one of the new building they are finishing for the turtle farm in the background. This was a new facility the old one was completely destroyed.
While the turtle were gentle, they didn't like to be held out of the water for a long time. They flapped their little flippers to show you they weren't happy. By the time this little guy was put down, my knuckles were red. Guess my face shows you everything you need to understand this picture....
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