January 24, 2007


I've been pondering lots of big questions lately. Huge, life altering things. Brought about by a tragic event. Been thinking about life and why we are here on earth. Why God decides to "take" people when He does. What will my legacy be when I leave the earth? Do I live with an eternal perspecive? Do I put my time into other people and invest in their lives? Do I stand up for what I believe? Do I put my trust in earthly things when I know they won't be here forever?
So many questions. Again, I am reminded that I don't have to have the answers, I only have to trust the ONE who does. That's my comfort. He's my rock. Life is short. So short.

While my mind has been on these things, I came across this quote on another person's blog.

"Grand and mysterious things are in operation. We are not alone. My prayers are perhaps a single note in a symphony, but a necessary note, for I believe in the communion of saints. We need each other." -Elisabeth Elliot

While praying this week, I felt almost silly and useless and didn't understand why God would even want to listen. This quote and Bible study this week on Psalms 10 reminded me of this one important thing. God loves. LOVES. He invented it. He does it far beyond what I think I can understand. He loves to hear my prayers. He loves even more when they come from an honest heart who is searching for him. And that's exactly where I am right now.

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