September 20, 2012

raised hands

(my little iphone camera amazes me sometimes)

A few nights ago, my amazing friend Tara and I went to see Hillsong Live in the big city.  It was one of those spur of the moment decisions back in June.  The tickets were pretty cheap, and it's always fun to have something to look forward to at the end of summer.  Plus, Tara isn't living at camp any more, so we made up a fun reason see each other and have a friend date.

The concert was really great.  There is something about seeing 1,000's of people worshiping Jesus together that gives me chills and makes me think of heaven.  We sang pretty much all of my favorite Hillsong songs. The band/singers were really fantastic.  Bonus... Australian accents for 2 hours!   It was very worshiped focused too.  Not about those leading the worship, but about all of us together singing about Jesus.  Loved it.

It was one of those nights that just filled me up and let me focus on Jesus for a while and not the insanity of life.  It was all about who He is and how He loves me/us/all.  Raised hands.  Closed eyes.  Singing as loud as you want to because no one else can pick your voice (no matter how bad it sounds) out of the crowd.  Amen.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I just read this (trying to catch up... I'm a terrible blog follower). and let me just say, I heart you.