Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

April 06, 2014

30 Days: Day 6 - Gentlemen and Ladies

(My favorite display at the National Botanic Gardens.  Every year, I hunt it down (it changes locations) and drink it in (the inside collection constantly changes on every visit .)

Getting on my soapbox for a moment....

What has happened to all the gentleman?
The men who hold doors for ladies and offer to help if they are carrying something heavy?
The men who are polite and kind to a lady and offer their seat?

I was again reminded of this realization when I was in Utah in January.  I'm not sure if it was so noticeable because I am normally surrounded by men who do these gentlemanly things so well?  Maybe.  But it was noticeable.  A guy visibly watching me struggle with my suitcase and not saying anything or offering help in the slightest way.  I was almost taken aback.

The guys I'm surrounded by (married or un-married) will hold the door open for me without even thinking about it.  They will grab my suitcase or bag or whatever heavy thing I'm holding out of my hand without even second thinking it (or at least ask if they can carry it).  They will be kind and generous, not in a creepy way (that some guys use as a ploy to talk to you as soon as they see you don't have a wedding ring.  really?!) but in a way that just pays tribute to you as a person.  They aren't saying I'm not able to do it on my own.  They're just being nice.

Seriously, guys, be gentleman.

There may be those one or two women who get all women's lib and get offended that you even suggested that she is weaker than you are.  But those aren't the norm.  We women would like to be treated with kindness and compassion.  We value your acknowledgement of us in that way.  We appreciate the fact that you are willing to carry our groceries just for the mere fact that you would like to help.

I will admit that sometimes I am guilty of being prideful for no other reason than "I can do it myself, thank you very much".  But that is my own fault.  And, as a guy friend of mine said to me as I was thanking him for being one of those kind gentleman, it is just as much my fault when I say no as when it isn't offered.  "We're just trying to be kind" he reminded me.  "Let us do this for you and don't take offense."  Aren't you glad for friends who talk to you honestly and let you see (in a kind way) when you are being a jerk?  I sure am.

So ladies, let's allow men to be gentleman, shall we?  And men, please, be gentleman and not for any other reason than just being a gentleman.  We notice.  We do.  And thank you on behalf of all those women that you kindly treat with respect.

November 17, 2012

Crazies and food = favorite Fall activity

One of my very favorite Fall traditions is our local Rennaissance festival.  I've heard it's one of the best in the country.  Luckily for me, it's literally 20 seconds from my church which means traffic is super fun on Sundays in the Fall!  Just kidding.  Well, not really.  Traffic really is quite awful, but I'll trade that for being so close to all the Ren Fest magic.

I usually wait and go when the weather cools down and the leaves are just starting to turn and float down to the ground.  After doing the festival in the rain (no thanks) and the heat (again, no way), I've learned that the cool days of October are prime for enjoyment.

The cooler weather doesn't deter anyone from dressing up in their Renaissance best.  There are a host of all sorts of crazies with strangest costumes I've ever seen.  It's highly entertaining and addicting.  People watching is the best part of the Ren Fest.

Okay, more like food and people watching.  Both are portrayed quite well in this shot.  I like to grab my food and then sit and stare at people walking by.  And there are so many delightful treats that it's an easy thing to do all day.

You could eat at a different stand for a whole week and not eat the same thing twice.  After this place has been open for an hour or two, the lines are crazy long and people are shoving food into their faces every where you turn.  And it's good food too.  Delish.

And the shows...some of the best live entertainment I've ever seen.  All the show are included in the admission price, so you can just plan out your schedule and squeeze in as many shows as you can between your people watching and eating.  There are a few favorites that I always make sure to see.  Like this guy in the photo above.  This is his second year here and is now a favorite of mine.  Hilarious.  I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

This troupe has been at the festival for almost 15 years.  They do Shakespeare mixed with improv.  It's magic.  I see them at least twice each year.

The Bro decided to do the Wall Challenge this year and was super close to ringing that bell.  He's quite the climber now, living in those crazy Utah mountains.

The festival is always the most fun when you can share it with people you love.  It was so much fun to have The Bro back with me this year.  We went for the first time together about 7 years ago.  A favorite tradition of ours until he moved away.  Thankfully, he was back this year while it was still going on.  And we had sweet M with us too.  Such a fun fall tradition.  Magic, food, crazy people.  What more could you want?!

Do you have Rennaissance Festival in your state?
What's it like?

September 20, 2012

raised hands

(my little iphone camera amazes me sometimes)

A few nights ago, my amazing friend Tara and I went to see Hillsong Live in the big city.  It was one of those spur of the moment decisions back in June.  The tickets were pretty cheap, and it's always fun to have something to look forward to at the end of summer.  Plus, Tara isn't living at camp any more, so we made up a fun reason see each other and have a friend date.

The concert was really great.  There is something about seeing 1,000's of people worshiping Jesus together that gives me chills and makes me think of heaven.  We sang pretty much all of my favorite Hillsong songs. The band/singers were really fantastic.  Bonus... Australian accents for 2 hours!   It was very worshiped focused too.  Not about those leading the worship, but about all of us together singing about Jesus.  Loved it.

It was one of those nights that just filled me up and let me focus on Jesus for a while and not the insanity of life.  It was all about who He is and how He loves me/us/all.  Raised hands.  Closed eyes.  Singing as loud as you want to because no one else can pick your voice (no matter how bad it sounds) out of the crowd.  Amen.

May 14, 2012

read this one

If you've been reading here for any length of time, you will know of my love of all things adoption related.  It's pretty obvious from the sidebar as well.  In fact, I started this blog way back in 2005 because I discovered blogging through Chinese adoption blogs.  True story.  Those blogs introduced me to what blogging was.

God planted the love of orphans in my heart before I think I ever really understood what it was.  When I was little and my brother and sister and I played pretend, we didn't play "house", we played "orphanage."  It's true. I would make them bundle up in blankets and I would be the orphanage director who would go and gather them from the rainy, cold streets.

When I was in second grade, a little boy who was adopted from Korea (which was un-heard of in the early 80's) was placed in my class.  I was fascinated by him. When he did a presentation in class about his heritage, I was riveted when he told his story.

Rambling way off track...let's bring it back around, shall we?

A few years ago, this sweet girl came to work at camp.  Selfishly, I like to think that God brought her here because we were kindred spirits.  He knew what a blessing she would be in my life.  But I'm sure it was because she is so good with kids and fits in perfectly at camp.

I found out a few days after she had arrived that her family had adopted 3 of her siblings from around the world, China being one of those places.  I, of course, begged her to tell me their adoption stories and let me see every photo she brought with her to camp.   To make a long story short, I adore her.

Last year, she didn't return to camp (sad face), but she had a pretty good reason why.  She was spending the summer in China doing some amazing things.  Fast forward one year later.  Her family is now in China adopting a little cutie, who will seriously melt your heart the second you see her.

You just have to read the story of how her family was brought together.  Part 1.  Part 2.  Part 3.  And then keep reading.  They are in China right now, finishing up their adoption.

I asked M if I could share her new little sister's story here because it is seriously one of the most amazing adoption stories I have ever heard.  God was completely in every single step.  It has been so neat to walk along side of her during the whole process and see God open doors and make the most incredible miracles happen.  She and I were texting the other night and she said "It just goes to show that when God has a plan...He gets things DONE!!"  I can't think of a more perfect way to sum it all up.

Love you, M!  So much. Thanks for letting me share your family's story.

February 22, 2012

first, second and third

First of all, this house.  Oh, my dear goodness.  It kinda makes me geek out over minimalist, modern design.  Be sure to click on the link and see all the amazing photos.  Seriously.  Incredible.

Second of all, this postcard.  My friend sent this to me and another friend because I guess we may have talked about adopting a little one from China a time or two...or 47 times.  Isn't it perfect?

And finally, I'm in the mood to watch Marie for the 129th time.  I never get tired of it. Anyone else want to come over for tea, cake, fancy dresses and a little Sophia Coppala?

February 16, 2012

The glue one

He can't say the blend "Bl-uh" or "Pl-uh."
That is one of my favorite things about him.
That means that he would tell me,
"No, my coat is glue (blue)"
"Will you clay (play)Wii with me?"
"I want the gluuuuberry (blueberry) lollypop"

He's smart as a whip, this one.
Spells like a first grader and he's only in 4 yr old pre-school.
He has an addiction to Wii.
Bowling especially.
He love hugs.
He's intensely inquisitive.
Watches everything around him.
He has the cutest giggle when he sees something funny.

Oh, my goodness I love this kid and his 3 siblings and parents.
And I miss them so much I think I can feel it in my bones sometimes.

Found this gem while I was going through the photos from these past few months.  I realized I haven't really posted about so much of my life during that time. Mostly because I had extremely limited computer time.  Also, I got so far behind that it felt overwhelmingly daunting to try and catch up.
But you know what, I don't care if it's out of the time line.  There are stories in these photos and I'm just going to share then anyway.  OCD timeline, be cursed.

So, this is Gavin.
In all his glory.
And I'm still so over the moon thankful that I got to spend 3 weeks with his family.

December 23, 2011

look down

I looked down to take a photo of my feet like I've done 5,000 other times and found this happy sight.

Three pairs of Chucks in a circle.  And his little black hi-tops were identical to mine. 

Friends forever.

December 17, 2011

Sometimes there is no need for photo editing.
Even with crumbs on the table.
Even with peanut buttter all over the face.
Even with cheeks flushed from a feverish cold.
The cuteness is 100% sooc. (straight out of camera)
An every day moment captured.

I am missing those kiddos all the way over in Seattle something fierce.

December 15, 2011


So the last day I was in Seattle, R and I had a girls day.  The kids were going to be in school or with grandparents, which meant we had most of the day to ourselves.  Bliss!

We threw around a bunch of ideas (hiking in the downpouring rain got a big NO from me), shopping (been there done that), movie (nothing worth seeing).  We were starting to get frustrated when R mentioned that ifly Seattle just opened a few months ago.  And then her hubby mentioned that he had buy one/get one free coupons.  That settled it.  We threw caution to the wind and managed to get in to the last spot in one of the last flights of the day.

I've always, always, always wanted to try one of these.  Skydiving too, but that's way more expensive and intense.  But this....this was too much fun for words.  R was really nervous the first time (we got 2 one minute flights), but for some reason, it wasn't scary at all to me.  Maybe all those years at camp strapped in a harness climbing 50 feet in the air have helped.  This requires no saftey equipment other than a helmet and goggles.  Other than that, it's just flying fun. 
You go step through a doorway into a giant vertical windtunnel.  The instructor is in there to help you get your body in the right position so you can actually fly and away you go!  There is no "falling" feeling.  It really does feel like you are flying. 
We both immediately wanted to do it again.  And again.  And again, so we could get really good like the instructors and fly vertical like superman.  That's my new goal.  Flight. 

December 06, 2011


I went swimming today.

And loved every minute of it.

No, that doesn't have anything to do with this picture.

I just loved this photo.

And those little munchkins, whom I miss quite a bit.

December 01, 2011

I miss you and you and you and you and you and you

People are often shocked when I tell them that I love (LOVE) Seattle.
"It's rainy!" they say.

"It's gloomy!"

"It's grey and drab!"

My answer is always (at least in my head),

"But you don't know the Wilson's who live in Seattle. None of that matters when you are with them. It could be a monsoon outside and you wouldn't even notice."

They are the reason I dream about Seattle at least once a day. They are the reason that I MISS it there so desperately. They are the reason that Seattle is a happy, joyful, sunny, bright place full of laughter (even if it really does rain quite a bit).

There are too many miles between the East and West Coasts. Too many long, long miles. They should live right across the street so I can run over and play kickball in the backyard with the kids. They should live across the street and then I could have tea at night with R & R and watch New Girl after the kids go to bed at night. They should live across the street so I can read books to the 2 littles while their sibiling are at school. For a million other reasons, they should just live across the street.

I miss you, friends.

I miss you.

October 09, 2011


Homemade sushi
a Cottage full of friends
an evening spent laughing and chatting instead of blogging.

A perfectly, lovely way to end a relaxing weekend.

October 05, 2011

Apple picking day Pt. 2

Just a few more.
Hope you don't mind.

Little hands full of giant apples are just too cute to resist.

Photographic proof that I attended this little shindig as well.

She kept grabbing them and taking HUGE bites.
If we didn't watch close enough, she'd even get the bruised, bug infested ones off the ground.
Little apple muncher.

Apple orchards really are lovely.
Those long rows of short trees with pops of red everywhere.
I'd love to do a trash the dress session here.

It was a delicious treat of a day.
Next year, let's hope for sunshine and blue skies, shall we?

October 04, 2011

Apple picking day Pt. 1

It wasn't the perfect fall day we were hoping for. In fact, it was misty, cold and grey. But we still had a grand ol' time. Here's a peak....

More tomorrow.

Post Script: I'm loving wide angle shots at the moment. And grey days sure do make for some pretty beautiful colors in photos.

September 14, 2011

a night with the symphony

A few weekends ago, when the weather was beautiful, I went to the park. Each year, the local symphony does a free show at the park. Outside. Blankets and lawn chairs. Picnic dinner.

The Bro and I went a few years ago and really enjoyed it. But since he abandoned me for Utah a few years ago, I had to find some new favorite people to bring. This event is actually a really great way to introduce kids to the symphony. They can run around and be loud and no one cares.

And people like me and my friend, J, who love the symphony can get our fix for free. Free is good.

The parentals were also nice enough to make the trek out to enjoy it with us, too. We never went to the symphony when I was a kid, but I don't think it was because my parents don't love it. It's just so darn expensive. They seemed to enjoy the whole experience. And I loved enjoying it with them.

Here's a small piece they played from a movie soundtrack. The strings are unbelievable in this. I'm a sucker for the violin. It makes me melt.

All in all, it was a spectacular night. Finished off a great weekend of free entertainment. The night before had been our river's fireworks show. It always happens on Labor Day weekend instead of the 4th. Why? Well the person who puts it on said that the traffic was nightmarish on the 4th because of the peninsula (one road in, one road out). Plus, he does a pretty great show and can make more $$ if he can do another one on the fourth and do ours later. I'm ok with that. And I would say that seeing as how the river was full of about 5,000 boats that night, the rest of the local community does too.

Fireworks in September has become a new tradition that we've grown to love the last few years. We can sit on our piers and watch it right in front of us. It's pretty amazing. When they forget half the grand finale fireworks though and decide to set them off as the barge floats by my house at 11pm....well, that gave me a heart attack. I thought it was another earthquake...

Slightly earthquake terrified,

Cottage Girl

September 11, 2011

for you

Happiest of birthdays to my sweet friend, B.

Thank you, B, for:

doing a little tap dance when you pick up your copies in the office.
singing show tunes in the middle of the work day.
understanding my love of craft supplies.
constantly being on the lookout for my future husband.
not hating me when I have whiny fits and forgiving me.
just being you.

Love, love, love you!

September 06, 2011

a month, please

Last night, I asked my dear friend if I could come and see her and how long I could stay, this was her reply...

"Well, I was hoping for a month."

And she was totally, 100% serious. I was blown away. I reminded her that she has a family and a busy life and she would be adding one extra person into all of that. And again she replied,

"I know. You'll just come along with me, and it will make everything better."

Um, choking back tears of appreciation and affection, I answered,

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that. I'll see what I can do."

She again said a month would be the bestest thing ever, but she would be happy with whatever I decided. But, please, come for a month, she repeated again.

Sometimes there is nothing more wonderful in the world than to know that you are wanted...

post script....I have stories and photos to share, but I didn't want to replace Julie Andrew's picture yet. It just hits me...right...there. Oh, and I was too lazy to download the photos from my camera. There's that too.

August 10, 2011

to you

Happy Birthday, dearest friend.

I'm so blessed to have you in my life....and in the cottage bedroom next to mine.

i ♥ y-o-u.

July 06, 2011


My friend, Chaych, asked me a question today.

Just a simple question as we were enjoying our pizza on Pizza Day Wednesday
(We have pizza every Wednesday and everyone eats outside by the water).

The conversation went something like this:

"When is the last time that you went on a summer vacation?"

"Define 'Summer.' Does the end of August count as Summer?"

"Um, let's say no. How long has it been?"

"Well, in that case....13 years."


"I've been at camp for 13 years. No summer vacation."

"Ok...what about if we count the end of August?"

"Last year."

"Oh. Then that's not too bad."

Now if she had asked me how long had it been since I'd dreamt of a summer vacation...

Answer: every 10 minutes or so.

Especially this week.


July 01, 2011

gifted with love

New craft.

I've seen felted soap for a long time, and have been wanting to give it a try.

A friend's birthday was a perfect excuse to make one up. I love giving hand made gifts. And thankfully, my friends seem to enjoy receiving them.

This is my friend, J (and her adorable family).

We've known each other's first summer here at camp...13 whole years ago. We go way back like spinal cords and car seats. I love her. We've been through some crazy stuff together. Crazy good and crazy bad. Through the midst of it, we've cried, laughed, talked, eaten good food, been wet, sandy, soapy/sandy, face painted, dunked in soda, chased, covered in mashed potatoes, laughed some more and just shared life together.

Today is her birthday. She's in my birthday club, which means we now share the same age.

I love you, J. I hope we share a backyard forever.