February 28, 2007
last night...

Totally rad find...

February 24, 2007
Warning...girly movie alert...

And yes, to all you English majors out there, I read Sense and am in the process of reading Pride. I never read either in high school. Pity! I am terribly behind in the normal classics that most kids read in high school. Been trying to rectify that in the last few years. These 2 books have quickly become some of my new favorites.
And this one has always been one of my all time favorite movies. Gwyneth is perfect. And if you don't just fall in love with Mr. Knightly...well, shame, shame on you!
Such great flicks. Great night of laying on the couch watching movies with the old English language and yummy British accents. Great, great, great.... My hat's off to you, Jane.
February 22, 2007

February 19, 2007

ice storm pics
February 17, 2007

Another card in the journal.
Finally, this is not my creation, but I am so enjoying using it while I'm using the paper and glue. It's a fantastic-o CD. Listen here.
This week has been a crazy one. We've had some nasty weather here in the Mid-Atlantic. Ice storms. Yuck, yuck. Power out. FREEZING COLD. My little cottage is cold when the heat is on (no insulation) and with no heat...let's just say I spent the day on my couch covered in 5 blankets reading Harry Potter #6. Dinner was grilled cheese and tomato soup cooked over a camping stove by a friend. Fun memories, but not so much fun to actually live through. Please, please come soon Spring! I'm really ready to be done with the cold weather!
February 13, 2007
Happy Thoughts
#2 This picture that I keep on my desktop. It makes me stop and dream about standing on that beach at least once a day.

#4 The Weasley's. Harry. Hermione. Snape. 2nd read is just is as good as the first. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE LAST BOOK!!!
#5 Layouts galore. Inspiration is brewing. Her style is addictive.
#6 Jack Bauer. 2 hours last night. Edge of your seat fun.
#7 Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I'm not depressed about it. That's encouraging...
#8 Pictures in my hands and not on the screen. That's right. I printed out my photos!
#9 Tax returns...mmmm...here comes my new camera.....#10 My little bloggity blog. It makes me so happy. And all of you that read it!
February 09, 2007
4 states away...

February 06, 2007
How cold?
Thanks everyone for the comments! Each one is so special.
February 03, 2007
and now...

He arrived at 7:52am on February 2nd. He's 6lbs 11in. A little bundle of huggable, yummy magic. You can see more pictures on his mommy's blog.
February 01, 2007
Don't know why...
It's from the cruise in September. The fun story behind this photo. I got majorly seasick this night. It was fancy dress up night for dinner. When the bro and I sat down at the table with our fam and 2 other couples (don't you just love meeting your new "tablemates" on a cruise.) they looked at us and kinda stared for a second before saying, "well, you look a lot different!" (in a good way, of course. We aren't the dress-up type.) Then as dinner was served seasickness won and I had to leave the table. My brother was quite the gentleman and took me back to the cabin where I happily popped some medicine and then we went back out to enjoy the evening. We ended up going to all the stupid little photography set-ups that the ship sets up for you to have your pictures taken when you are dressed all fancy. We, on the other hand, took stupid pictures. Those (example...the bro with his eyes crossed and me smiling overly happy) were hanging up with all the other serious couples who were smiling their best.
This picture now hangs in my room and I still smile at it a couple times a day. I just love how dumb we both look.