September 17, 2010

I could go on and on with how busy I've been lately. I could drivel on about how things haven't been slow here since....I don't know.... February, maybe? But I won't. I could cry and whine and stomp my feet (which I have done in private), but I won't here where you can all judge me.

Instead, I'll share some links to things that have been encouraging to me lately....

1. Stefanie at Ni Hao Y'all is adopting again. That is nothing but exciting! She is how I found out about An Orphan's Wish. Her blog is soooo good.

2. God answered a big prayer over at A Place Called Simplicity. I just love, love, love this blog and this family.

3. Jesus Without Sin from Mark Driscoll. This went hand in hand with what I'm studying in my small group this semester.

4. This tweet from a TV boyfriend fave. Kuddos to him for sharing his faith on such an open forum.

5. And finally...something to make me smile and turn into a puddle of mush. Charlie on Pioneer Woman. I never ever get tired of posts about him.

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