October 29, 2006

wait till you hear this story....

So, as you can see, there are pictures on this post. Pictures of my trip to the west coast last month. Remember how I have been promising to post them. Remember how I've NOT posted them. (like I need to remind you of that) Well, aside from having picture uploading issues, here is the reason why....
I put my CD full of every picture I took on the trip on top of a pile of outgoing mail. And outgoing it went. I'm losing it! I "mailed it out" and never saw it again. Thankfully, all of the photos were saved on my parents laptop, or I would be a crying mess. Lesson learned....must back up everything TWICE!

So here is the continuing story of my trip with pictures to enjoy. Last post was about Vancouver. We left Vancouver by way of the sea. Here we are heading out and taking some goofy shots along the way.

Our beautiful boat. Each little partitioned off section is a balcony from a room. We had a slightly different view. But on a cruise like this, we were off the boat more than 80 percent of the time, so it didn't make a huge difference.

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