July 17, 2007

follow along

My favorite recording artistof the Christian genre did an Asia tour this summer. His family went with him and his wife kept a blog. You can read all about it here.... Be sure to start from back in June when they left.
SCC has always been HUGE favorite of mine since way back in junior high. His ministry has grown into something so much more than music in the last few years. He adopted a little girl from China (and went back 2 more times to make it 3 little girls) and began a whole new journey into the ministry of adoption. There is a link to Shaohannah's Hope on the right side of my blog. It's an amazing ministry (which I support each month) that is doing amazing things in the lives of orphans across the globe.
This blog that they kept was such a cool way to see their family and their hearts. I've always wondered what it would be like to hang out with their family and see what they were like. This was a taste. And how adorable are their kids?!! I'm so thankful for people like them who want nothing more than to follow God with every ounce of their being. Super excited for his new CD that's coming out and the tour that's to follow!

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