September 29, 2010

curse canceled

This is farewell for a few days.

I'm headed out in the morning.

Headed back to my college stompin' grounds. Haven't been there in...7 years, maybe? Gotta say, I'm pretty excited. Get to see the old campus and my old apartment (or the outside anyway). Walk down memory lane.

Plus, I get to see some dear friends and wear a bridesmaid's dress again.

The 6th time.

I say that six times cancels out the "3 times a bridesmaid, never a bride" curse, right?

I'll be back on soon with photos and stories. Until then I'll try and do some phone posting just so it won't be so lonely here.

All photos by Our Labor of Love found on Once Wed. Probably one of my favorite weddings ever featured there. I can't stop thinking about those bridesmaid's dresses.

1 comment:

Allison Drew said...

Aw, I hope you have a wonderful time and I hope the wedding is beautiful.