May 12, 2012

Summer reading list

(Check out my $1 yard sale score.  I've been on the hunt for vintage clocks for years)

It's the time of year again!  Yes, it deserves an exclamation point.  It does.  It's time for the annual summer reading list.  That glorious list that is a joy to check off throughout the summer months.  The list that is for nothing but fun.  New worlds and characters beckon.

Summer reading list 2012.  

1.  The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester.  Bought this one on my birthday.  One of the B&N employees saw me looking at it and highly recommended it.

2.  Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller. Borrowed from The Bro and started, but needs to be finished.  Also want to read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

3.  At least one book by Lucy MaudAbout this time, every year, I start needing an Anne-fix.  This year feels like a House of Dreams or Island year.  Or maybe Jane again.  Or Kilmeny.  So hard to choose. (bonus:  lots of her books are free for e readers!)

4.  Home by Marilyn Robinson.  I've been wanting to read another of her works since I read Gilead a few years ago.  

5.  Partials by Dan Wells.  Started reading this one at the Black Hole, and I've been thinking about it still, weeks later.  I want to know where the story goes cause it had an interesting start.  

6.  Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.  I'm not an "Apple or nothing" person (although I love my iphone), but I think this would be a fascinating book.  And I love biographies.  

7.  Autobiography of Mark Twain Vol. 1 by Mark Twain.  Still working on this one.  I feel like I should buy it and keep chipping away instead of borrowing it from the library every few months.  It's so incredibly interesting.  But at 760 enormous pages with 1,000's of footnotes, it's going to take a while to get through.  I just don't want to have a 20lb book when I'm all finished with it. Hmmmm...

 Here are the past few summer reading lists 2010. 2011.


Jill said...

Looks like a great list! I've starting using Pinterest to keep track of books I want to read, but maybe I should compile my own list just for summer.

cottage girl said...

Never thought of using Pinterest. Great idea! I also use my phone to take photos of books I find that I want to read. That way I always have a running list when I go to the library.
Thanks for saying hi, Jill.