February 09, 2011

best university

Sorry I was MIA for a few days.

I was on a business trip.

It was quite lovely. I had to return to my favorite university on the entire planet. It was a tough assignment, let me tell you. My friend/co-worker had to beg me to come. I mean, not only would I get to spend 2 whole days with my super cool friend, but I would also get to hang out with more camp friends that go to this university. All under the guise of work. No, please, don't make me go!

We had a grand old time recruiting for camp. All those young college kids looking for summer camp jobs. And when I say young, by that I mean babies. I felt like a grandma there. It's only been....7....no, 10...no, make that 12 years since I graduated. Gulp. How did that happen? Wasn't I just there last week roaming the halls, running from class to class, chatting with friends in the courtyard? Wasn't I?

In any case, I did get to see my dear sweet friend, whom I miss desperately. She graciously let us stay in her cute, new, married home. She is one of those girls who I can instantly feel at home with the second I see her, even if it's been 2 years since we've seen each other. We clicked all those years ago, and it just stuck. SO good to talk with her and give her a big hug.

But no matter what the circumstances are for me going back, I never ever can shake the ghosts of those who made those years so dear to my heart. I think the walls are soaked with our laughter and tears and joys. The memories are so thick that I have to push them away just to stay in the present. For a little while, I'll let myself get lost in those moments, reliving every moment I can recall in vivid detail. I let the joy roll over me, and then stop before my misty eyes turn me into a blubbering fool.

I love you, LU. I love for the 4 years you gave me. I love you for helping me to grow in my relationship with Jesus and drawing me closer to Him. I love you for giving me the best friends a girl could ever ask for (you know who you are!). I love you for challenging me beyond what I thought I was capable of and taking me to the edge and back. I love you for standing firm and proclaiming the Gospel. I love you for doing it all over again for a whole new generation of kids.


Nick and Kaley said...

your writing is so poetic. i love to read it. i think you should write the next great american novel. write about the bay, and l.u., and other things that i could read-you could publish- and I could put on my shelf!

stephanie said...

LOVE that picture of you J&R!!!! I hope you have that framed somewhere!

cottage girl said...

Kaley: that's one of the nicest comments I've ever received. Thanks so much. It's been my dream to write a book since I was really young. Maybe one day...

S: You know what's terrible? I have maybe 5 photos in my entire house. I haven't printed out photos in years. YEARS. Must do that. And thanks. I think we look like dorks, but whatev'. Time for US to take a trip back to LU. You won't even believe how different it is...

Gina said...

ummm. overwhelmed with emotions of nostalgia.