February 27, 2011

Knitting Academy

It's Oscar night! Basically, that means I'm plopped on the couch for the entire night. I've been watching the Oscars forever. Always loved them, even though TV is more my thing. I asked my brother once if he would take me as his date to the Oscars if he ever went. His answer..."no way, I'm gonna take someone hot. Not my sister. Gross." I still laugh thinking about that. I miss him so much lately.

Yesterday, I ventured out to my local yarn store and loaded up on yarn for baby hats. I have so many friends and family (my sister is single handedly taking care of the grandkids situation in our family) pregnant (or just had a baby) that it's nearing the double digits. Yikes... Awards shows always make me want to knit something. Maybe because I can't just sit there for hours doing nothing. Maybe cause I feel like I have to be creative while watching artists. Who knows...

So, I'll be knitting and Oscar viewing tonight. And trying not to watch the end of Friday's Smallville another 15 times. (yes, really. it's despicable, I know.)

My name is Cottage Girl and I love the Oscars, knitting, Smallville, Chloe and Oliver happy endings, parenthesis, italics, my brother and babies that belong to my friends...especially my sister.


Our Family said...

You make it sound like I'm just popping out babies here. Oh. wait. I guess I am :)

cottage girl said...

And please continue. Takes the pressure off this 33 year old, single girl. And your 28 year old, single brother. And your babies ARE extra cute.

stepanie said...

ooooh is Katie pregnant? If so- congrats! Adorable baby hat!