March 25, 2009

My lesson for this year

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
James 1:27

God gave me this verse at the beginning of this year. "This is what I want you to focus on this year, my child," He said to me. I think I am still trying to wrap my heart around it. So much crammed into one little verse. "Unspotted from the world." How does that look in my life? How does that change what I do, what I say, what I watch and hear?

He's also specifically asked me to care for orphans in their trouble. When I first read that I was so unsure of how to do this. I mean, I'm single. I can't adopt a child at this point in my life. How could I care for orphans? How could I make a difference?
I've always been passionate about orphans. As a little girl, I didn't "play house" I "played orphanage." My siblings pretended to be orphans that lied on sidewalks that I gathered and brought home to a warm house with food on the table and hugs before bedtime. Seriously. Just ask The Bro.

But as I've prayed to make this verse true in my life, He has opened doors to help me to do that. Love orphans right where I am in life. He's given me situations that allow me to reach out to the little ones around the world and love them. Maybe one day He'll open the doors so I can GO to the places where these little ones live. Maybe one day I can physically hug and love them. I pray this. I long to see their faces in person.

But this verse isn't just in the Bible for me. It's for you as well. Are you caring for orphans? Are you burdened for their hearts? Are you begging Jesus to help us be His hands and feet to the millions of orphans in this world? It is our responsibility as children of the Father to care for them. It is up to us.

I found this video today. It's tough to watch. But I also think it's so important to be reminded of who we are called to help. And yes, it made me cry. I don't know how you can watch it and not. Precious little ones that Jesus loves and died for.

****there are links on the right of different organizations that have opportunities to help orphans, if you are interested. They are all ones that I myself support and believe in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just got done bawling....

wanna go to Africa with me???
