July 25, 2011

list it


Lists are my saving grace for blogging this summer.
Well, I usually don't get around to blogging until about 10pm.
Bedtime, no?

Anyway, a few highlights....

♥ I loved this book. Finished it in 2 quick sittings. I'm still thinking about it. And re-reading parts of it. It's one that I need to buy, I think. YA books are the bees knees this summer.

♥ Sweet Poppy. This melted my heart into one giant puddle tonight. Oh, how beautiful. What a treasure that little one is.

This post from Katie. Her blog/her writing was a life changing find for me. Not because of who she is, but what a beautiful picture of Christ she painted for me. I'm already counting the days until her book is here. If you have never read her blog from the beginning, oh dear goodness, you should. You should.

♥ Got to chat with one of my bestest and dearest girls tonight. I miss her. Desperately. I absolutely hate living thousands of miles from her. I miss how she can make me laugh and can read my mood in 2 sentences and ask me all the right questions. I just miss her.

♥ The heat wave broke for a little while tonight. Big thunderstorm. This is probably the best news in days. Well, that and no one has thrown up in the last 10 hours. Rejoice.

Nikita has wormed it's way onto my DVR. Permanently. Thanks, dear brother.

♥ It's 10:15. Nighty, night friends.

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