February 08, 2008

Friday finds and inspiration

I'm in love with this column. (It has been on the advertisement sidebar of my yahoo page forever and I always thought she had a cute hair cut. About a week or 2 ago I decided to click on it and that was it. Hooked.) Loved this post on graphic novels. That type of art just make me stare for hours. I can't believe that someone can draw like that! Wanna try this one and this one, especially.

I just love her style of creating. While scrapbooking is not really my thing, her work makes me re-think it.

One of my favorite CD's of last year (available on itunes) was by him. And it appears from this photo that he is now dating one of my favorite artists/bloggers/photographers.

My sister was in town all week. She came for dinner on Wednesday. Here's the evidence.

Tara is a genius. LOVE her front room. The white and sunlight and colors. If you don't read her blog, you should. Her pictures are always delicious.

Some Flickr love. One. Two. Three. Four.

The second picture on this post. Can't you just feel the emotion in it?! Looks like a book cover or a picture to hang on your wall. I can't get enough of them.

Irresistible Revolution. A book making me re-think everything. Do you ever feel like your Christianity is compartmentalized? I do sometimes. God belongs here and then the other part of my life is here. I know I'm supposed to make them meet, but I can't figure out how. This little book holds some valuable lessons for living the life that Jesus calls us to live. Read it!

This made me mad. I hate that I seem to live in my own little world when it comes to good TV. A week with out FNL. Please, oh, please say it isn't so!

Can the end finally be here? If so, I may have to do the happy dance.

Her images are astounding. I faved SO many of them. The mixture of lyrics and photos is incredible. You can tell she loves Jesus. One of my favorite songs. My fave David Crowder song. The story behind this song gets me every time.

This looks like it could be a cover for the Twilight books.

Speaking of Twilight....I want to read them again. Plus, Breaking Dawn comes out in August. And she has another book out in May.

Urban has new baubles for sale. I love this one, this one, this one, and this one is my favorite, of course.

And my Nielsen rating will of course be going to NBC at the 9-10pm time slot for a little show that I've talked about once or twice here. I didn't get a chance to watch last week's episode until tonight. It took me approximately 5 minutes to remember why this is the best thing on TV right now. It was superb. I wish I could tie you all down and force you to watch it with me so the rating would be thru the roof! Then you would be addicted too!

That's it, everyone. I must say, I really do enjoy doing my Friday posts this way. I write throughout the week and then go back over it on Friday with a few additions. Reading back over it reminds me of all the fun stuff I find on the web. I may keep this up for a while....

G'night. Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

totally didn't read your blog. but oh my.....you nerd, look at your page. i bow before you.