July 14, 2008

10 years from now

Pioneer Woman had a really great post that I read today.

She was asking her readers (all 5 bazillion of them) if their life was what they had imagined it would be 10 years ago. I think about this a lot because mine definitely is NOT what I imagine at all.

When I was 21, in my senior year of college, I imagined that I would be married, working in the tv/movie production world, have a couple kids (adopted, of course, most likely from China) and a house. I imagined that we would be settled and content and travel when the urge struck us.

VERY different than my reality in the present.

This was my answer to her question:

"I am 31, single, no kids. I work at a camp full time and live there too. I wake up every morning with a view of the water and for 8 weeks during the summertime, my job is to make kids happy and tell them about Jesus. It wasn't the life I imagined 10 years ago, but God's plans are usually so much more amazing than mine anyway. I love it!"

What would your answer be?


Gina said...

I would have hoped to be working in my field. Counseling, or running a foster care facility for abused/neglected children. And would have thought I would have a house and I NEVER would have thought I'd be married to Mike Rohrer. Interesting question. I answered what came ot mind, but I'm sure if I put more thought into it, I would have some other observations.

tp said...

i read that post too. so good. also, i never have thought i would be your neighbor-- and i really like that i am.

212 Poplar said...

I can't imagine life any other way right now. God is good.

Unknown said...

I was eleven...

I don't remember thinking what I wanted my life to be like ten years from then, but it probably involved my hair not being frizzy, Anna Beth not punching me, and being married to a boy named Wesley that I had a crush on in the 5th grade.

none of those dreams have come true... =)

Audrey said...

I was also 21. I was newly married. I was working in an insurance office and planning on a house and 3 kids (one at the time!) I would've never thought I would go through 4 years of infertility, wait 5 years for a baby, have triplets and wait 10 years before we built a house! I will say that I have learned so much in the past 10 years and I'm thankful for every step. Oh, and I would've never imagined my next step in life...homeschooling three 5 year olds! LOL This is the best! God's time is the best!

Anonymous said...

Great question. I never thought I would be married to Jon Schock. He was too laid back for me. I didn't think I would be living in GA either. Especially in my parents house...But I did think I would marry a man that would have a heart for ministry and we would be in one together. So the first part did happen and the second part is unfolding...

Anonymous said...

God's plans are so much better then ours!!!!!
