January 28, 2008

Hello, Martin

Did anyone else see the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week? I'll admit that I subscribe (only because I got it free for a year and then signed up for a year after that for only $10! Who could say no?) Now, I'm not a huge fan of Heath Ledger. I did greatly enjoy 10 things...okay, I know a lot of it by heart. And I am very excited to see him in the new Batman. Still, it was sad hearing of his death. Mostly for his little 2 year old daughter, who now doesn't have a daddy.
Anyway, the cover this week is just beautiful. The picture on the computer is nothing compared to seeing it in on paper and holding it on your hand. The white border, black letters, the catchlights in his eyes, the shadows/vignette. It's just a beautiful picture. I had to look up the photographer. His name is Martin Schoeller. Check out these. You have to see them BIG to really appreciate them. Just beautiful. LOVE Kelly Slater's. Those eyes.
Totally inspired me today. I think I may have to get his book.

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