April 05, 2008

I've been dreaming.....

...of the beach lately. The sand, the sun, the sound of the waves pounding the shore. The sandcastle building and late night barefoot walks with my flipflops swinging in my hands. The salt water in my hair. A book and a towel and peace. The thunderstorms in the afternoons. The wave jumping and boogey board riding. The seaweed freakout cause I thought it was a fish or shark. The sunscreen smell. The bathing suit being my constant outfit of the day. The sunglasses and hat. The beach chair that sits low to the ground.

Man, oh, man, I want some of that right now. Most of my beach memories are of Myrtle Beach were my family camped many a happy summer vacation. These photos aren't MB, but they are so beautiful that I posted them anyway. My one trip to the California beaches. Too cold to swim, but I still soaked in their beauty!

The next 2 were 2 of my favorite shots that I took on this entire trip. They are SOOC (straight out of the camera). 100% click of the button. It was that gorgeous. Sighhhhh...

And one of a beach in San Diego. I actually saw this on Veronica Mars about a year after I took this picture. It was a dog beach (people can have their dogs on the sand) that had been used on the show before, but they specifically used this lifeguard shack on a later episode. I love how the west coast beaches are so wide and sweeping that they have these enormous guard shacks with trucks that dive along the beach.

Sweet dreams of beach vacations, everyone.


Cottage Girl

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