October 09, 2008

My town wants to be Stars Hallow

I've been missing Stars Hallow something fierce lately. The funny, quirky people which inhabit that place. The silly events like a town knitting festival. Luke's Diner. Boys who love you so much they build ice rinks in your front yard...

Did I ever tell you that I got to actually GO to Stars Hallow? On my cruise down the west coast in '06. We toured LA and did the Warner Brothers' backstage tour. They were actually shooting the day we were there so I couldn't take a any photos. Boo-hoo. I did get to walk up to Luke's Diner and see Miss Patty's dance studio. Miss Patty's was the location for the town meetings.

In my missing Stars Hallow phase, I began to wax poetical about what a town meeting must be like. I imagined it being so fun to go to something like that. All the neighbors arguing over silly things.

Then I remembered that MY town has one of those. We have a sign that announces the next "town meeting" or potluck or beach cleanup date. I heard from a reliable source that they are very similar to those good old Stars Hallow meetings. Neighbors arguing over lawn ornaments and golf cart usage. The hierarchy of the old timers vs. the newbies. Arguments over trash day and beach usage. Fights with a neighboring community. All the drama is there and I'm missing it!
My roommate and I have decided that we are going to try to go to the next meeting. "Technically," we aren't in that community (our street and all the houses on it are shunned and forbidden to use the boat ramp. Oh, the horror!), but I wonder if they would try to stop us. I mean if they are so busy with keys to the beach gate will they notice two girls who sneak in the back and just watch the whole time....

I'm sure it won't be as good as Stars Hallow, but maybe it will fill the hole that the end of Gilmore Girls left. Man, I miss those girls and their hairstyles and fast talking and their pop culture references.

Wait a second! Seth Cohen?!! How did he sneak his way in here?

Not that I'm complaining. Cohen and Summer and sneak onto my blog anytime they wish...

...and technically he was a Stars Hallow resident before he became "the" Seth Cohen.


Our Family said...

I have every season here! When you come we can have a marathon. I just got finished watching them the other day. I love that show!

Gina said...

I miss the food. Man that show made me soooooo hungry, from the Friday night dinners at the parents, to the ridiculous feast of junk food during movie nights, to Luke's Diner, not to mention Sukie's extravaganzas. I am drooling just thinking about it. Who was Seth Cohen? Was he in the band? I laughed so loud that he "snuck in".

cottage girl said...

G, I never thought about it that way, but I totally agree! They did eat all the time. And coffee and pie at Luke's always made me want some.
Seth Cohen was in Lane's band. I think they kinda dated for a couple episodes.

Unknown said...

Ya they dated for a while, his name was Dave, but he moved to California for college in season 4 I think? Sorry I L-O-V-E Gilmore Girls :) seriously, it's the best. I still need seasons 1, 2, and 3 once I get some extra cash. I can't believe it, we have like the same mind, I wish so badly I lived in Stars Hollow and you have no idea how jealous I am that you got to see it.

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to be glad that somebody's dead?