May 01, 2010

flip-flop day

It's so hot here today that I was sweating. And no, that's not a bad thing to me. It's quite glorious actually. I was wearing shorts. Flip-flops. Sunscreen. Hair tied back in a pony tail. Oh, summer weather, how I have missed you so much.

Things to look forward to this week:

The opening of the camp pool. This is always a big deal in my mind for the beginning of summer.

A bike ride. As soon as I fix my bike little bike problem.

Winnie's coming to stay for a few days.

More art journaling.

Summer staff starting to arrive.

Dinner with friends.

***side rant: to you strangers who think it's ok to drive around camp and do whatever you want, ignoring our PRIVATE PROPERTY: PLEASE TURN AROUND signs. I don't drive down your driveway and ask to camp on your front lawn. Please have the common courtesy not to get angry with me when I tell you can't do that here. Thank you.

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