January 14, 2008

book of lists

Another thing to add onto my growing list of "things to do in '08." This one is very relaxed though. Just work on it when I feel the need to create. Simple enough to complete a page in one night. And it involves lists, which is a HUGE thing I'm addicted to. Writing them, crossing them off, re-reading them. I love them.
I'm going to do a book of lists. Saw the idea here. I love this page. It's in my Flickr fave's. I've been enjoying her blog over the last few days. So chock full of ideas and inspiration.

Remember, do something creative everyday. It's amazing what you come up with.

(And speaking of inspiration, got this in the mail today from my "dealer." She is kind enough to mail me and the bro each new edition. This one was delicious. I miss this "world" that I used to visit once a week. I'm a total nerd, yes, this I know and accept happily.)

1 comment:

Gina said...

I LOVE this idea. I had never heard of it before, but I love lists and I'm always making them. Both on paper and in my head. This would be great for the in-my-head ones. I'll put this Book of lists on my to-do list. Not my do today list, but my overall, project list. Hmmmmmm