May 08, 2010



God and I have been having lots of talks lately. More than usual, actually. I've been filling my journal up more than I have in a long time (it's gotten much emptier since I started my blog). I desperately WANT to dive in the Word, seek His guidance, beg for His discernment.

It's exciting and comforting and scary and terrifying all that the same time. I just love these moments when He feels close and I can feel His presence. They are like little pieces of heaven in this fallen world that distorts our view of a loving God. These moments where I am humbled by His mercy and love. They are so beautiful and true.

I hope you have moments with Him like that, too.
I hope that His presence is something you crave and long for. I pray that you hear when He whispers your name and calls you to His heart. Because, I promise you, you won't be disappointed. And I want that for you so desperately.


Gina said...

my prayer recently is that He would FLOOd my mind with His truth with such force that it obliterates the lies that have been trying to take root there as of late. May He do the same for you my friend.

cottage girl said...

LOVE that, G! Thanks for sharing! I needed that today.