May 14, 2008

The Dying Room

***edited: I fixed the link to the video. Sorry about the mix up.

Words don't really describe this.

Click here to watch (38 minutes)

The pictures have haunted me. I found it last night online, and I just think everyone should see it. Just so you know, it was made in 1995, so things have changed for the better in some ways because of this video. I have a feeling that rooms like these aren't all gone though. We would be silly to think this doesn't still happen.

You all know, if you read my blog at all, that I'm big into adoption especially Chinese adoptions. Something about those particular little ones has grabbed my heart since I was a little kid. This video just breaks my heart. I would be on the next plane to China and bring a whole bunch of them back if I could.

If you are interested in adoption or would like to help in some way, here are a couple links to organizations that are fighting the good fight in the trenches.

Shaohannah's Hope (loved them for a long time. lots of great links and ways to help)
Living Hope International (I'm supporting a friend through this ministry as she and her family move to China to be orphanage resident advisors)
Show Hope (a branch of Shaohannah's Hope)
How to Adopt (if you want to take a BIG step!)

There is also a great video from National Geographic called China's Lost Girls. I found it at my library.

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James1:27


Our Family said...

How do you watch it? It just sent me to Wikepedia. Maybe it's a good thing if I don't see it. Sounds very sad and horrible.

Our Family said...

Oh my! I just want to go and snatch up those poor babies and love them. How can people sit by and watch innocent babies die? That film definitely touched my heart. Thank you for sharing the link to it.