May 23, 2008

Friday Finds

Just a few today. I usually fill this in during the week. It's weird now to see how my week changed.

Forget summer blockbusters....I can't wait for this one in November. I LOVE Baz Luhrmann's work (Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Strickly Ballroom).

Look at this amazing artwork. I wish to the high heavens that I could draw like that.

This is awesome! I really, really want to meet them one day. I just want them to teach me how to find that amazing light.

The comments on Maria's page are so amazing. It's so neat to see how God works through this family. I can only read a couple at a time cause my eyes fill with tears and I can't read any more.

I loved the words in this post from a favorite blogger of mine. So well said and heartfelt.

She was gone for a while, but what an inspiring comeback. It's the little things in life.

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