August 13, 2008

brave adventures

"Jesus did not come to make us safe -
He came to make us brave."

These aren't my words. My pastor was quoting someone else when he said this on Sunday, but I can't remember who, so please forgive the lack of literary credit.

But what an amazing quote. How many times do I think the Jesus created me to live a safe life, a happy life of contentment. Instead He calls us to lives of adventure like Joshua (just finished reading this again and am still amazed at the stories in that little book) and Joseph and Paul and Esther and Mary. These people didn't live safe lives. They lived lives of craziness and miracles and adventure! They chose to let God choose their paths.

Somehow I can't imagine they are up in heaven now saying "man, I wish I had taken the easy way. I wish I had just lived a comfortable life. Look what I missed out on by having all these adventures and letting God lead me." Yeah, right!

I heard a fantastic interview with Steven Curtis Chapman about a year or more ago. He was talking about adoption and how God offered his family the choice of jumping in on that whole adventure. They could have said no and it wouldn't necessarily have been the wrong choice. But if they had chosen "no," they would have missed out on so many of the blessings He had waiting for them. That adventure was one that they were so glad that they stepped out in faith on.

So what about you? Is there something that gets you excited? Is there something that God has whispered to your heart for a while now that you just ignore because you think it's too much, too hard, too different?

Or are you one of those who are just waiting for the next adventure that He as for you? Are you waiting patiently for that direction and that peace that comes from Him? Have you tasted the sweetness of living life on His leading and not worrying about where all the "other" stuff will come from. You know, like money and food and paying bills. The things that God easily takes care of when we just let go of the control we think we have.

Let's hear it. The adventures. The doubts. The fears. We all have them. Share....

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