May 30, 2011

I hate deer and rabbits

Yesterday, I spent over 2 hours planting all my flowers in around the Cottage. They had been sitting on my porch for about 2 weeks waiting to be planted, but I hadn't had the time. It looked so nice when I was finished. There were happy colors surrounding the Cottage. Bright and pretty.

This morning, I woke up to see this....

Gone. All gone. Eaten down to the very stalks....

I...was...FURIOUS. Those darn deer (or maybe it was rabbits) get my flowers every year. But this year, they weren't even in the ground for 12 hours before they met their demise.

I drowned my sorrows at the pool all day today.

We had a hot, hot, sunny perfect memorial day. Lots of yummy potluck picnic food. Lots of friends. It was lovely.

But gosh darn it....those stupid deer. Grrrr....


kaley said...

you need Bobbex.

cottage girl said...

Please explain. Please?!

Nick and Kaley said...

bobbex is a concentrated spray that you put on your plants. It's a deer repellent that is good because it is resistant to humidity and rain, to some degree, meaning you don't have to reapply as often. It has dried blood and garlic in it amongst other things which is used to repel deer and rabbit. It's the best repellent on the market and it's good for your plants. Sold at Bowen's Farm Supply and Home Depot... though I think it may be pricey. :)

Nick and Kaley said...

if all else fails you could put some coyote urine out... ;)