May 25, 2011

i ♥ you, FNL

Cried my way through the last 4 minutes of the last Friday Night Lights episode tonight. No better way to end another incredibly stressful day (is there any other type anymore?). I could gush on and on about it, but I'll just say that this final episode pretty much sealed the deal for it being my favorite show of all time. And that's a bold statement. Not ready to believe that it's really over, so I'm living in denial for a few days.

I'm also longing for those days that I don't finish my work day feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Ministry is hard, friends. It's the hardest thing I have ever done. It's self-denial to the core.

But, hey, I'm still breathing. I'm still plugging along. I haven't dropped from a heart attack yet. And God's grace is still new every morning. That's where I'm finding my strength.

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